Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Delight Yourself in the Lord

Dear Jamil,
Just some thoughts for this morning. I posted this on my own blog but I also wanted to share with you. I hope you have a great time during the tournament today! Let me know if you want any more recommendations on books!
"Delight yourself in the Lord and

He will give you the desires of your heart."

Psalm 37:4

In high school I had this verse taped on my binder

(my math binder more specifically)

one time even my math teacher joked that he should give me a better grade because he saw the verse on the binder

I remember reading it everyday in high school and thinking "oh, that is a nice verse.

I cant wait until He fills those desires"


I don't even know why I chose that verse

I know I have always been a "dreamer" however, I never knew what those dreams were

But lets be honest, a lot of my dreams in high school were about who I was going to marry

typical high school girl right!? or maybe just me :)


Flash forward 10 years

Flash forward some much growing up, maturing, living life, loving/serving God more

I look back now at the 18 year old just "hoping" that God would "someday" fill those desires

Now,I don't just hope, I know

I am not just dreaming about my desires, I am living those desires

Dreams I never knew existed are forming in my deepest parts of my soul

Desires I never knew I had are being fulfilled

They didn't come all at once but they are slowly filling up in my heart

No, I am not married

I don't have any children

I am not a world traveler (yet!)

But I see, I feel, I know the desires in my heart are being filled exactly the way God intended them to be

So, of course I still have those deep desires to get married, have children and travel the world

but I don't need to dwell on why those are not being filled

because I know God is filling my heart with desires that not only bring me joy, but also bring Him glory and in His timing


So, if I could tell anything to the 18 year old self from high school

it would be to keep pursuing Him and keep that verse on your binder!

In fact, look up more verses! Dig deeper in Him

Keep dreaming and desiring for God to fill those dreams

He is working right now, ceaselessly and strategically on your behalf

He will fill those desires, ones you never knew you had,when the timing is right

Keep delighting in Him Jessie

You have an amazing life ahead of you!

His life plan for you is a thousand times sweeter than anything your high school self can dream or imagine

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