Friday, December 6, 2013

The Fog Ahead: Embracing it with HIM

I've been spending a great deal of time lately talking to students and friends of mine about life. There is always a common theme in these conversations: uncertainty. 

I read an analogy of uncertainty that put in a positive context and I am in love with it. I want to continue to share it with others because it has opened my mind to a new train of thought.

None of us can see what the future holds before us. We use optimism or positive words to help us on our outlook. On the other side of the spectrum, we internally hold thoughts of worry or impatience. I recently read in a devotional a way to help me use the LORD, rather than optimism or worry, to help me better approach the pathway ahead.

Our pathway is clouded by fog. With the reassurance of GOD, we know it is bright! That there are "surprises", whether they be trials or triumphs, that await us. The next step may be a boulder we have to climb. Maybe it is a peaceful trail that allows us to praise GOD along the walkway. Whatever it may be, that fog is a reminder to step back and walk with GOD. We are meant to just dive right through it without HIM. We need to walk next to HIM in unashamed dependence. I want to hold HIS hand and communicate with the LORD as the fog clears and HE unveils what is next. 

The fog tells us, "Step back, walk with God and STAY with HIM".

At this current point in time, my patience is being tested by something that can be life changing. My mind and thoughts are consumed by the endless possibilities that may come of what that "next step" could possibly entail. 

But, I needed to put myself in "check", and say, " need to TRUST in the LORD....HE will show you which path to take" - PROVERBS 3:5-6

Talking with GOD is a blessing because HE gives me strength, joy and so much more. Why jump into the fog when I can talk to GOD as I enjoy the journey instead of rush it. I'm not UPS Overnight Mail. 

I'm right here, right now. Only GOD can deliver unto me...unto us.