Friday, March 22, 2013

No Limits

Dear Jamil,

What a week this has been! I think I am finally coming back to reality and becoming emotionally stronger. I have been in a writing funk (hence no blog post for while) but I just read your latest blog post. It was just what I needed to read.

I just got back from our gymnastics banquet since we are hosting conference tomorrow. We went on an Argosy cruise ship around the Lake Union. I had a great time hanging out with the athletes. As you and me both enjoy those times with them.

However, the views on this cruise were amazing. Yet again in awe of the beauty of this world and our Creator. I took a ton of pictures of the sunset and the Seattle skyline. Your post was perfect because my caption for this picture (Instrgram and Facebook) mentioned that the sky is the limit. Great minds must think alike :)

"Surrender your whole being to Him to be used for righteous purposes" 

You are right. How amazing is it to know there are no limits with God
I will "AMEN" to that

I am so thankful we have this outlet to encourage one another
Just when I think I am alone (which is so silly) in this journey I read your blog post
I know we are journeying together through this crazy, yet beautiful life together

I will leave you with the lyrics of a song that I have had on repeat the last couple days hours

Divine Romance
Phil Wickham

The fullness of Your grace is here with me
The richness of Your beauty's all I see
The brightness of Your glory has arrived
In Your presence God, I'm completely satisfied

For You I sing I dance
Rejoice in this divine romance
Lift my heart and my hands
To show my love, to show my love

A deep deep flood, an Ocean flows from You
Of deep deep love, yeah it's filling up the room
Your innocent blood, has washed my guilty life
In Your presence God I'm completely satisfied

Refueled on Joy

Hi Jenzie,

What a week it has been! As we conclude one task, challenge, season or encounter we are always presented with another! But you know what, joy is like a battery - it refuels our mindset! And with this, we can motivate ourselves back onto the field.

Isn't it awesome that there are no limits with God? 

It’s not the one who plants or the one who waters who is at the center of this process but God, who makes things grow. 1 Corinthians 3:7

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

His Glory Outweighs Them All

" For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all."
2 Corinthians 4:17

Dear Jamil,

Sorry for this delayed response and absence of the blog!

I  am exhausted. I am tired. I am emotionally/physically and spiritually drained. Long story short, my dad went in for a doctors appointment and they found something concerning on his cat scan. They did a blood test and some things were high that shouldn't be. We know something is wrong. I don't want to say the Big C word yet but they think it could be.  He will go into a special doctor sometime this week. But right now is just the waiting game to see what to do next.

Surprisingly, only by the grace of God, I have a peace I cant explain about the situation. He promises to give us that peace, to help us through these trials. I just know my dad will be OK, no matter how hard the journey will be. I also know that Gods glory and plan for our lives far outweighs this trial. Doesn't mean my mind doesn't slip ever and my stomach becomes one big knot, but for the most part I am OK knowing God is "holding my hand", my families hand through this- whatever comes our way.

I have been trying to find the right words and emotions to write this blog post. This morning, after reading todays Jesus Calling devotional, I decided to look back through some past ones. I landed on January 18th. I am clinging onto these words todays.

Learn to trust Me when things go “wrong”. Disruptions to your routine highlight your dependence on Me. Trusting acceptance of trials brings blessings that far outweigh them all. Walk hand in hand with Me through this day. I have lovingly planned every inch of the way. Trust does not falter when the path becomes rocky and steep. Breathe deep draught of my Presence, and hold tightly to My hand. Together we can make it. 

Thank you for your constant support and encouragement through all of our modes of communication! You truly are inspiring and I am truly blessed to have you in my life!

Hope you have a great Tuesday! 

Love always,

God wants us to live an extraordinary life
He didn't promise there wouldn't be trials getting there
But He does promise us to get us through
I have hope that God is preparing me for an extraordinary life full of adventure

Friday, March 15, 2013

Joy is Contagious

Morning Jessie,

It's so common for people to say "Happy Friday" or "Thank God It's Friday!" And I agree, I certainly communicate those words to many (mostly the first phrase, since in the realm of athletics weekends do not exist for most the year). But, I find it interesting that some people seek joy from knowing they have the next day off or they get to partake on a weekend adventure - ultimately giving them joy for that sole reason.

I think we should freely give and receive joy everyday! This idea of "joy" has been resonating in my heart the past few weeks. I'm embracing joy more than ever because God not only wants us to be joyful, but sacrificed so much to let us have joy in our day to day lives. Joy reminds me to pour my energy to the perfect ONE - and share that joy with the world.

The other day when I was in the gymnasium, I saw one of the women's basketball players shooting around. Something inspired me to get on the court and rebound for this certain individual. They appreciated the offer and we hooped for about an hour. Throughout that hour, we went from "sports" talk to "real" talk. We shared stories of adversity, exchanged our values and talked about our outlooks on life. We left the courts with smiles on our faces. I believe that if everyone knew each other's story, we would all get along. Instead of putting on a front or being bitter at the world, we could freely give and receive joy. 

This morning, one of the baristas at Starbucks (which I frequent every morning) gave me a welcoming face and said "What drink would you like?", letting me avoid the long line that I was headed for. I spoke with the barista for a bit and we shared a great morning conversation on love, life and more. I always smile in conversations and it comes so naturally. I just want people to know they are special, that God loves them and that the grace of God encourages us to be positive and share that with the rest of the world.  The barista wrote a special message on my cup and it made me smile again. 

Joy is contagious - and so is God's love.

Happy Friday ;-)

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Its a Wonderful Life

Dear Jamil~

Good morning sunshine!

Just a quick journal entry because I am have to get my 7 mile run in this morning! I have been putting off those longs run and finally put my pride aside and asked for my friends help. She is coming at 8am to run with me. Running is definitely not my forte :/ BUT I am still excited, motivated and encouraged as I know I am running to help children :)

I just have to share that yesterday was an amazing day. I got up in the morning, did my devotion and spent the morning, afternoon with my dad, sister and Jace. We drove down together to our women's game who was playing in the conference tournament. It was so great to just be a fan! Not have any duties during the event and just hangout with my family. And to see so many parents and other fans come up to my sister and dad to chat and let them made my heart swell! haha I love having them a part of my life at SPU but then again I also have a feeling this wont be the last time we travel together somewhere. Again, I only can write this to you because I don't want anyone at work seeing, but I just don't picture myself at SPU my whole career. I know God is calling me to something else. And being with my family yesterday, traveling with them, talking about how God is working in ALL of our lives, I think God has a great plan for my whole family. So, I don't know where I am going with this but I needed to write out how I am feeling :)

God is continuing to open up doors of adventure for me and I am excited to see where they lead! I am open and saying YES to where HE is leading me. Such a great feeling, an exciting feeling knowing God has called us for a life of adventure. All we need to do is say YES. I have a feeling God is just getting started for the BOTH of us :)

And you can call me Jenzie or Jessie, whatever your big heart desires at that moment! It is hard to believe that not even a year ago we met. Little did that Starbucks barista know that she created a life long bond :) I am too excited for these journals! I am excited to see where our lives go as we seek Him more and more. I am excited to go along this "journal journey" with you! Thank you for being such an encouragement and support through this crazy, ever changing, yet amazing life. 

Ok, off to get ready for my run! EEEK! I hope I survive :) I am lame and have no pictures either :/

Have a great Saturday Jamil! Love ya!


Thursday, March 7, 2013

Adversity is a Blessing

Good afternoon Jessie,

I'm mixed between calling you Jenzie and Jessie, but I feel that the Starbucks barista from a year ago wrote "Jenzie" on your coffee cup for a reason. It's crazy to think that although we only spent a few days together at a convention in Dallas, we have managed to stay in touch and share an amazing friendship. And look at us now - sharing journal entries of our lives.
I really enjoyed your last webpage post. It took me back to that 18 year old boy back in high school.
At the time, I must admit, I did not have a strong relationship with God. I was a boy without any friends - isolated from society. I had no vision of a direction aside from the fact that I wanted to do GREAT things.
These "things" were not of any selfish nature - I wanted to inspire and serve others. I DREAMED to be an indivudal that could positively make an impact on those around me, whatever that impact may be. Again, I had desires, but the missing connection was the fact that I was not delighting them in the LORD.
I believe to this day that adversity was the blessing that brought me closer to the Lord. And I am extremely THANKFUL for it. I may have not realized it at the time, but in retrospect, I now see why God unfolded the path that took place. 
I have shared with you my story growing up, so I can save us both the sob story of it all. It will be in my New York Times Bestseller book one day :-) 

On a completely different note...
I downloaded the book "Love Does" by Bob Goff that you recommended for me. I am excited to continue reading it. I came accross this tweet by Bob himself and thought it was great:

I've already had a few sentences "stick" in my thoughts:
"We need to stop plotting the course and instead just land the plane on our plans to make a difference by getting to the "do" part of faith."
"That is because love is never stationary. In the end, love doesn't just keep thinking about it or planning for it. Simply put: love does."

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Delight Yourself in the Lord

Dear Jamil,
Just some thoughts for this morning. I posted this on my own blog but I also wanted to share with you. I hope you have a great time during the tournament today! Let me know if you want any more recommendations on books!
"Delight yourself in the Lord and

He will give you the desires of your heart."

Psalm 37:4

In high school I had this verse taped on my binder

(my math binder more specifically)

one time even my math teacher joked that he should give me a better grade because he saw the verse on the binder

I remember reading it everyday in high school and thinking "oh, that is a nice verse.

I cant wait until He fills those desires"


I don't even know why I chose that verse

I know I have always been a "dreamer" however, I never knew what those dreams were

But lets be honest, a lot of my dreams in high school were about who I was going to marry

typical high school girl right!? or maybe just me :)


Flash forward 10 years

Flash forward some much growing up, maturing, living life, loving/serving God more

I look back now at the 18 year old just "hoping" that God would "someday" fill those desires

Now,I don't just hope, I know

I am not just dreaming about my desires, I am living those desires

Dreams I never knew existed are forming in my deepest parts of my soul

Desires I never knew I had are being fulfilled

They didn't come all at once but they are slowly filling up in my heart

No, I am not married

I don't have any children

I am not a world traveler (yet!)

But I see, I feel, I know the desires in my heart are being filled exactly the way God intended them to be

So, of course I still have those deep desires to get married, have children and travel the world

but I don't need to dwell on why those are not being filled

because I know God is filling my heart with desires that not only bring me joy, but also bring Him glory and in His timing


So, if I could tell anything to the 18 year old self from high school

it would be to keep pursuing Him and keep that verse on your binder!

In fact, look up more verses! Dig deeper in Him

Keep dreaming and desiring for God to fill those dreams

He is working right now, ceaselessly and strategically on your behalf

He will fill those desires, ones you never knew you had,when the timing is right

Keep delighting in Him Jessie

You have an amazing life ahead of you!

His life plan for you is a thousand times sweeter than anything your high school self can dream or imagine

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Clothed in HIS Salvation

Dear Jenzie,

Happy early morning to you. I am about five minutes from hopping onto a charter bus with the women's basketball team for our conference basketball championships, but wanted to post before my departure.

In the midst of all the hard work we have been putting into our careers, I think we often put a lot of pressure on ourselves to strive for "perfection". I wanted to share a great devotional from last month that has really challenged my thinking, but most importantly, REAFFIRMED many things for me.

We are not meant to be perfect - and it is such a basic concept that I often forget. 

As it mentions, "I died for your sins, so that I might clothe you in My garments of salvation."

How lucky are we to have such an awesome God? 

Today is a new day and we shall rejoice and be GLAD. 

Monday, March 4, 2013

Perfectly Cheesy

Dear Jamil!

I loved getting your text this morning! It was actually perfectly cheesy because I was thinking the same thing! This morning I woke up at home in Enumclaw and the sunrise was one of the most beautiful sunrises I have ever seen. I heard the birds chirping and the sunrise was breathatking. I was in awe. Spring is coming!

I am about to leave work but I wanted to write in our journals :) I wrote a post in my other blog about the life of adventure God has called for us. It gives me joy, hope and so much excitement to see what God has in store of both of us! As I stare at this picture, I am reminded of Gods love, Gods grace and goodness! And that no matter where I am in life right now, no matter what mixed emotions, struggles and questions I have, I am reminded that He keeps His promises and fulfills our hearts desires. The sunrise is beaufiful and breathtaking and I catch myself dreaming just staring at it! haha talk about cheesy!

We are just two ordinary people who are saying YES to an extrordinary God. So here is too a life of adventure for us both!

Have a great Monday evening! Love ya.

Love, Jenzie

Friday, March 1, 2013

We are on the RIGHT Path

Hi Jenzie,

I wanted to touch on the topic from your post "Middle of the Road". I agree, sometimes I am uncertain if I am doing a good enough job from work. I know that I put 110% into my work, but am I prioritizing my responsibilities and doing them well enough? Sometimes I am uncertain if working at Pepperdine is my calling for the next 2, 5 or even 10 years. Is this where God wants me to serve, lead and carry my purpose? I am eternally grateful for all that I have, but a piece of me is missing "something". I'm not quite sure what it is and I pray that God helps reveal it to me - when He deems best. 

The culmination of it all leaves me in the "middle of the road" as well. But I think we have to remind ourselves, there is no "middle" of the road. We are "right" on the road. 

I am always tempted to turn to the following day's devotional from "Jesus Calling", but I know that waiting for the day to arrive in relation to it will be even more exciting read. When I turned the page slide (note: finger swipe on my digital copy) to today's devotional, it brought me to February 29th. And though this calendar year we "skip" straight to March 1, I feel that the devotional in between was meant to be read. It was placed in the "middle" of two devotionals to be "right" there in front of my eyes.

"Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path" - Psalms 119 : 105

First of all, we both know how amazing the book of Psalms is. But secondly, how awesome is this message from God? Moment by moment, He is leading us. I visualize the lamp next to my foot as God reveals his path for me. He is not providing us a yellow brick road with a sun beam lighting the entire way. It is almost like that game "Dance Dance Revolution" (somehow this is the best comparison I have). The next step on the game lights up an arrow for us to step on. In a non-arcade game sort-of-way, God is doing the same. He is "that" light for our path.

Here is to a great day!