From The Desk Of Sandi Krakowski.... journal in
hand, sharing my heart.
I get so tired of this super pious religious crap where
people say they are laying aside their dreams as some 'crucified life death to
self sacrifice for Jesus.' No that's ego. Because at the core of why we do that
is this: I feel important because you know I gave up everything. Look at me, giving
up everything. Look at how holy I am because I gave up everything. NO! If God
put a desire in you to steward so that the world could benefit from it, to add
value to others, to not fulfill that dream is an OUTWARD ACT OF SELFISHNESS!
know what the crucified life is? You know what death to self is? You want to
know what it's like to EXCHANGE His life for yours, so that HE increases and
YOU decrease? DO WHAT HE anointed and appointed and empowered and authorized
for you to do! You are not helping anyone out by staying in that dead end job,
thinking you are laying aside your desires so that you can just be humble and
be who God called you to be. NO that is an apathetic path of procrastination
that masquerades itself as holy.
THE TRUE LIFE and path to greatness means you will DIE to those self criticizing thoughts, you will DIE to those 'just delay and lay down and be small' ideas and you will DIE to those notions that it doesn't matter, and that you can have a choice and you can create whatever life you want and you can build your plan and just make sure your family is comfy cozy. YOU are designing what you want your life to look like. NO the holy path is YOU are designing your life to WHAT GOD wants it to look like and you are on a mission to impact as many people in this one lifetime you have as you can!
YOU want to know what the Warrior path is all about? DYING to this selfishness, this religiousness that thinks that we are doing God any favors by just laying aside our dreams and 'being grateful.'
Yes I want you to be grateful and I want you to be so filled with gratitude that you stop LIVING like an orphan trying to earn the love and favor of God by what you do or don't do, trying to PROVE TO GOD that you love Him, and what you sacrifice and I want you to STEP INTO the sonship that Jesus Christ paid for you to own. I want you to LIVE and WORK from His love and not for His love!
I want you to give it your all, do the hard things, do the hard work, put in the long hours, love your family, keep your priorities straight, go beyond creating your little nest egg and go impact thousands of other people and help them with their needs!
I want you to realize that GOD put that dream inside of you and HE has an intention that you would fulfill it and be a love offering of His to the world! Take that class! Get that degree! Do the work! DO what God has said to do and do all things as unto the Lord and LET HIM raise you up and LET HIM make you famous for HIS glory and for HIS honor and so that you can take His love to places that are dark and cold!!!
THE TRUE LIFE and path to greatness means you will DIE to those self criticizing thoughts, you will DIE to those 'just delay and lay down and be small' ideas and you will DIE to those notions that it doesn't matter, and that you can have a choice and you can create whatever life you want and you can build your plan and just make sure your family is comfy cozy. YOU are designing what you want your life to look like. NO the holy path is YOU are designing your life to WHAT GOD wants it to look like and you are on a mission to impact as many people in this one lifetime you have as you can!
YOU want to know what the Warrior path is all about? DYING to this selfishness, this religiousness that thinks that we are doing God any favors by just laying aside our dreams and 'being grateful.'
Yes I want you to be grateful and I want you to be so filled with gratitude that you stop LIVING like an orphan trying to earn the love and favor of God by what you do or don't do, trying to PROVE TO GOD that you love Him, and what you sacrifice and I want you to STEP INTO the sonship that Jesus Christ paid for you to own. I want you to LIVE and WORK from His love and not for His love!
I want you to give it your all, do the hard things, do the hard work, put in the long hours, love your family, keep your priorities straight, go beyond creating your little nest egg and go impact thousands of other people and help them with their needs!
I want you to realize that GOD put that dream inside of you and HE has an intention that you would fulfill it and be a love offering of His to the world! Take that class! Get that degree! Do the work! DO what God has said to do and do all things as unto the Lord and LET HIM raise you up and LET HIM make you famous for HIS glory and for HIS honor and so that you can take His love to places that are dark and cold!!!
I define success as someone who is giving it their all,
robbing hell, building their platform because they know that they know at the
core of who they are that GOD ALMIGHTY has summoned them to a task and they will
fulfill it. Come hell, come high water, come friends and family persecuting
them and all the pathetic religious people who are living lazy lives and just
settling in a corner calling it 'holy'. RISE UP my friends. THIS IS the
The hardest thing I've ever done with my life is fulfill
God's dreams for me. It's His love offering to the world and it's MY JOB to
fulfill it. It's the best thing I've ever done too!
Sandi Krakowski
Sandi Krakowski

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