Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Jumping the Hurdle of Vulnerability

Hi Jessie,

Just a little motivational post. I recently spoke in front of a class at Pepperdine after being invited to speak by the wife of our head baseball coach. She teaches a course on personal development and growth. The coolest thing about it, aside from hopefully inspiring some students, was the level of vulnerability: it was just me standing in front of people I did not know. I had an outline prepared but I decided to disregard it. I just wanted to share my story: no sugarcoating. 

The truth goes a long way and it flows so freely BUT I believe you have to be comfortable with the idea of sharing the truth. That's where the vulnerable state of mind comes into play. I think a testament of my growth under the Lord is that I feel comfortable being vulnerable. Maybe I am a bit ambitious at the moment, but vulnerability is so raw and organic. It puts us outside of our comfort zone, but it is reassuring to know God is on our side. I also believe that vulnerability helps us embrace who we are and where we are leading are lives. Change doesn't take place on its own: we have to put ourselves out there!

Anyhow, one of the themes that I reiterated to the students was that we all have the ability to rise above our circumstances. For this to take place, you have to put yourself in situations that are new, challenging and open before the world. "What do I have to lose?"

"Just keep pushing." That's what I tell myself everyday.  

I want to keep growing. I want to keep learning.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

One Line & One Circle

Hi Jenzie,

There is this perpetuating discussion that takes place within my soul about purpose and calling. I think about it often all the time.

I ask myself, "Who am I in Christ?"

It's almost like I mistaken my life under the Lord like a class from college. But when you think about it, the syllabus for this "class" is pretty simple. 

The study guide the Lord provide us is truly a simple outline:

It's one big circle
  It's one straight line. 
(Starting to sound like algebra?)

So - What does this mean?

It's about us traveling in the direction of Jesus, trying to follow HIM. We make mistakes and midcourse corrections, but we stay within the large circle of HIS love and grace, staying the course on a long line pointing toward HIM. 
Along that line, the course won't be smooth sailing. 
But no matter the circumstances that may detract us from that straight line, we still stay in HIS ocean of love and mercy.

"I used to think following God required a lot of navigation, but now I know all I need is a line and a circle" - Love Does

Saturday, April 13, 2013

My Heart Longs

Hi Jamil!

I just got back from working a spring soccer game. However, I say "spring" loosely because the weather proved otherwise. It was sunny, then downpour, hail, sunny and now back to raining. I am sitting on my couch in Seattle, just had a nice dinner, wrapped up in a blanket with my favorite sweatshirt on, and the Mariners game is on in the background. One would say I have all the necessities in life to live. But am I really living? Am I really living the life God has intended me to live? Yes, I can survive but I just don't want to survive in this life. I want to really live, live for God and the passion He has placed on my heart.

My dreams and desires have been at an all time high this past week and I just don't know why. I went to a fundraiser breakfast the other morning for the Seattle Matt Talbot center. What a wonderful organization. It gives the homeless a second chance at life. A Christian based foundation that is doing amazing things in Seattle. After the breakfast I was full of gratitude for the employees and sponsors for this organization. I am thankful that God gave us all different hearts to serve different brokenness of this world. 

But you know what I kept thinking about? 
You know what my heart longs for? 
You know what my heart is on fire for? 
I want to serve, help, give hope to children and their families
ALL over the world

Physically, my heart aches
Mentally, my mind is elsewhere
Emotionally, I am longing. Longing for more

Jamil, I have never been so sure of something in my life. I sit here on my couch and my heart continues to ache as I write this because I believe that my life passion is to serve, cherish and work with children, locally, nationally, and even internationally. I have no doubt God has placed this on my heart for a reason. I know God is preparing me for something greater than I have ever imagined, and much greater than myself. 

Yet, my heart still aches. I don't know where or what that entails for me, but those desires have only grown. I think my running for charities is only the stepping stone to what God has planned. Which is very exciting, almost exhilarating knowing I could spend my life doing what I love. (sigh) 

This was a very spur of the moment blog. No pre planning, just something on my heart at the moment. I  am so thankful for you and this opportunity to write my feelings to you. God has placed me on an amazing, extraordinary journey...both of us:)

Hope you are having a great weekend! 
Love you!


Thursday, April 11, 2013

My Engagement with HIM

Hi Jenzie,

Good morning! Every morning I say a verse that one of our former women's basketball coaches inspired me to recite each and every day:

"This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it." - Psalm 118:24

It always brings a smile to my face. HE loves us so much! 
And I want to return that love in every possible way.

"I use to think being a believer was enough, but now I know Jesus wants us to participate, no matter what condition we're in." - Love Does

I went for a run the other day and stopped at the end of my course at park nearby. The sun was setting and I decided to hop onto a pair of monkey bars. One of my favorite remedies for stress is to do something silly

I was crawling, swinging and hanging on those bars like the happiest monkey alive. I sat atop the bars and looked up into the sky and prayed. I could hear people playing tennis on the courts nearby. I could hear cars driving on the street nearby. I could hear individuals playing football in the park - "ready, set, hike!"

But for the moment I was laying on top of the bars, it was just GOD and me. 

"Do not worry about tomorrow or get stuck in the past. There is abundant Life in My Presence today."
- April 11th, Jesus Calling

I trust HIM in every detail of my life. Nothing is random in HIS kingdom. 
This engagement is for LIFE!

"You are mine for all time; nothing can separate you from MY Love."
-April 9th, Jesus Calling

I know one day I will find that third angle of the LORD-ME-MY PARTNER triangle because nothing is random with the LORD. As much as we can say, "You will randomly find someone one day", it is already planned.

And whatever those plans are, the love and grace of GOD aligns the symmetry of love within the triangle of HIS plans and my patience.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Desires Of Your Heart

Dear Jamil, 
I hope you had a good run this evening! You know my sister is a natural runner too. She can not run for months and then just go our and run 5 miles. She also mentioned it is a way for her to let go and just think. She often prays as well. For me, however, I am in a constant state of pain :)  It has never been natural for me but I have come to enjoy it, especially when using it as a vehicle to support charities. 
Anyway, below is the blog I was telling you about. I have loved reading other blogs. It helps remind me that I am not the only one going through certain life situations. For example, I love reading other women's Love Stories, how they met their spouse. The one constant theme that they all talk about was their "waiting." And not just waiting for the Lord to provide but through their waiting they grew in their faith. Of course, all of the love stories end up the same...the Lord brought their husband and he was better than they ever imagined or hoped for. 
As you know, we talk about this a lot. I have always tried to explain how I feel on my Love Story (especially to others) but I never could quite put it into words. Finally, below is a story that made my heart scream "this is me!". This story renewed my hope and got me more excited for when God brings The One. Who knows when that will be, but until then I will continue to put my heart into Gods Hands and wait expectantly. 
Read and be inspired Jamil!  Love ya!

Learning the definition of love
All through high school and part of college, I always in a relationship. Looking back, there was something missing in all of them. I was so tired of the rollercoaster of emotions that one day I made up my mind that I wouldn’t date anyone else and that I was going to wait for my future husband. I began seeking the Lord about my future husband and who HE had for me. I didn’t want to date just to date, so I told myself the next person I was going to be with was my future husband.
My perspective changed the day that I read the scripture found in Isaiah 54:5, “For your Maker is your husband; the Lord Almighty is His name.”  I realized that no one could EVER love me the way the Lord does.  He would NEVER leave me, nor forsake me.  I had a deep revelation in my heart that day that I needed to learn of the Lord’s perfect love for me first and foremost.  A love that is so unconditional; not based on my performance, a never ending, and a never changing love.  I wanted to know my maker as my husband so that when I did get married, that man would never be the ultimate source of my fulfillment, worth, or identity.  That began a three-year journey.  Those three years were the best years of my life, but also some of the most trying.
Ask Specifically
I began writing down very specifically what I desired in my future husband. The Lord showed me in his word that I have not because I ask not and how he delights in giving me the desires of my heart. I focused on the character traits that I desired for my mate: generous, patient, sensitive, funny, caring, etc.  I began thanking God daily for this man.  The more that I fell in love with the Lord, the greater my expectations grew.  When I learned of His character, I knew of what I desired in my future husband.
Renewing My Mind
Some days were amazing as I learned God’s fulfilling love, but there were many days that the enemy would lie to me that I would never find someone to love me, my standards were too high, etc etc.  Almost daily I had to renew my mind to the truth of God’s word and cast down lies that I would never get married, no one would love me, and so on.  When fear would take over, I had to imagine myself walking down the aisle.  (Your imagination is POWERFUL and can truly set the course of your life!)  I would renew my mind to God’s word and speak these scriptures out daily:
“Lord, I thank you that your word says in Psalm 37:4 that, “You delight in giving us the desires of our hearts.” Your word promises us that, “You withhold no good thing to those that love you.” –Psalm 84:11. I thank you that marriage is a good thing and you will bless me with this gift of marriage. Psalm 18:22 says that, “A man who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord.”
Being Steadfast
During this time there were guys that would approach me and I would wonder if he was the one.  After all, they were Christian men who loved the Lord.  But sure enough, there was a lack of peace I felt in my heart.  I decided once again to say “no” and continue on my path to who the Lord had for me.  After all, I knew the Lord would bless me for my patience and diligence in seeking him.  I knew this singleness could be one of the best times of my life, if that’s what I believed. The Word says, “I would like you to be free from concern. An unmarried man is concerned about the Lord’s affairs—how he can please the Lord.” -1 Corinthians 7:32. I began changing my perspective and seeing this singleness as a blessing.
There were many times during my singleness that people, even those most close to me, would say to me, “How are you going to find someone if you never go out?  How will you find him if you don’t date?”  “Are you waiting for the mailman to show up and sweep you off your feet?”  I would simply respond, “If that’s how God will bring him, then sure!  I knew if God created me so intricately and detailed, he is creative enough to bring him in to my life. I didn’t have to worry about how it was going to happen… I knew that the Lord had that all planned out, every detail.
There were also people that would say, “Why don’t you just date so-and-so.  He loves the Lord and treats you wonderfully.”  That would sometimes cause me confusion and I would sometimes question the same thing.  However, I knew what I believed for and if he was anything less, it wasn’t the right one.  I believed for a man of God who knew his authority, who would pray for me, who would fight for me when the enemy was attacking, and one who was strong in the Lord.
I knew my story would be different than how this world does things.  “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.  Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is- his good, pleasing, and perfect will.” – Romans 12:1-2
Prepare Me Lord
As I prayed daily for the preparation of my future husband, one day the Lord spoke to me about preparing myself and that this was a time that I was to draw close to the Lord, learn of his Word, who I am in Christ, and what it meant to be a Godly wife.  He showed me he wanted to do a work in me, to strip me of hurts from my past.  The Lord brought me to this quote, “Young women who devote themselves to the Lord prepare themselves for the future by gaining wisdom first, then stepping carefully when the time is right.”
I knew that I would get to that point where I didn’t need anyone to fill me and that the Lord would be enough.  I knew once I got to that point, the Lord would bring him to me.  One of my favorite quotes through this time was, “ A woman’s heart should be so hidden in God that a man has to see Him just to find her.” -Lucado

My Harvest
On March 17th I was apart of an event with a local evangelist, Chris Palmer. I was asked to be apart of the team and greet guests as they came into the event.  I knew no one, and only recently met Chris.  That morning my sister said, “Who knows… maybe Chris will have a friend you’ll meet.”  I just laughed her off.  I went with the simple intention of drawing closer to the Lord. The night of the event, I was introduced to everyone on the team, including Chris’s good friend, Brett.  Before the event started, I asked Brett if he wanted any coffee to kill time.  The first thing I remember about Brett is how generous he was as he bought coffee for just about everyone on the team.  He opened doors, paid for my coffee, and made me laugh the entire time.  When the service began, Brett was in charge of the set up and making sure everything ran smoothly inside the service.  However, Brett found his way to the front doors that night and was continuously checking to see if I “needed anything”.  He ended up neglecting his duties and just couldn’t help but to stick around the doors with me. The hour of greeting was filled with laughter and conversation.
That night my sister asked how the night went and I responded very shortly, “Good!  I met a lot of cool people.  One of Chris’s friends had me laughing so hard.  I felt like I had known him my entire life.”  I began walking away and she responded, “Uhhhh… Who is this guy!?” Once again, I just laughed her off.  I didn’t think much of it.
Brett got my number that night to see if we could all hang out as a team the following night.  Although I turned down the offer, Brett and I began texting very casually.  After a month or so of us casually talking, Brett invited me to a church service with him and Chris.  As I sat by him that night, the pastor had told us to lay our hand on the person next to us and start praying for each other.  Brett laid his hand on my shoulder and began praying for me. I couldn’t get a word to come out of my mouth.  I just cried.  I cried with an overwhelming sense of joy as I realized he could be the one.  There was just a deep knowing in my spirit.
Throughout the next couple of weeks as we grew closer, I prayed to the Lord and asked him to confirm that I was to continue talking to him.  I didn’t want to date anyone for even a day if I didn’t know 100%.  I opened my Bible to the scripture that said, “You will be governed by peace.”  That spoke volumes to me.  Although we often want God to speak to us in a loud booming voice from heaven, typically the Lord speaks to us by giving us peace or a lack thereof.  I knew what a lack of peace felt like, for I felt it in all my past relationships.  So, I approached every single day with Brett… “Do I have peace today?”
As I got to know Brett, I was amazed daily how he truly was everything and MORE that I had prayed for.  He is one of the most caring, selfless, sensitive, generous, loving, and handsome men I have ever met.  He puts the Lord first and truly pastors me and loves me as the Lord does.  He loves me so unconditionally.  He showers me with love and makes me feel like a queen.  Every door is opened before I can put my hand on it.  Not a day goes by without him speaking his love to me.  He prays for me with such power and authority and encourages me with the Word.  But you know what is cool?  God has fulfilled me in the past few years that I can honestly say that God is my source.  I don’t get my worth or fulfillment from Brett.  His love is just a representation of Jesus’ love for me.
It’s been just 11 months since the day I met Brett and I now have a ring on my left hand to signify our soon-to-be life together.  I truly believe God created marriage as a good thing.  The Word says, “It is not good that Man should be alone; I will make him a helpmate.” –Genesis 2:18. “Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed.”-Ecclesiastes 4:9.
Trust Him
I pray that my story encouraged you today, wherever you are in your journey.  The Lord cares so much about every detail of your life.  He put the desires in your heart.  The more that you seek Him, the more your desires will become His.  Don’t try to get ahead of God by trying to figure out how it is going to happen.  Trust that if He created this earth and everything in it in such intricate detail, that he has your life planned and figured out.  It will be beyond anything you can ever dream, ask, or imagine.  Our God is so faithful.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Go Higher

Good afternoon Jamil!
Quick post!
As I was listening top Pandora, this song came on. As I was listening,  something inside me was pulling at my heart. So, I googled the lyrics :) I think this is exactly how you and I both feel in our lives. There is just something so exciting, almost mind-rush-thrilling, knowing that God has called us, as christians, to be higher, to go deeper and to go where He leads us. He doesnt want us to live an ordinary life by the standards if this world but we are called to go higher- go deeper. Let Him lead us for His Glory.
And I could hold on
I could hold on to who I am and never let You
Change me from the inside
And I could be safe
I could be safe here in Your arms and never leave home
Never let these walls down

But You have called me higher
You have called me deeper

And I'll go where You will lead me Lord

You have called me higher
You have called me deeper
And I'll go where You lead me Lord
Where You lead me

And I will be Yours, oh
I will be Yours for all my life

And I will be Yours, oh
I will be Yours for all my life
So let Your mercy

Monday, April 1, 2013

Human Origami

Dear Jenzie,

 I hope you had an amazing Easter with family and friends. I will always remember when my pastor from my childhood once claimed there will always be "CEO's" in the church twice a year: Christmas/Easter Only! Whether someone finds themselves at church or not, I think it serves as a great reminder to how much God loves us.

"You are loved more than you will ever know by someone who died to know you." Romans 5:8

I don't think I've ever comprehended the power of these words until now. I may have read this scripture a few times before, or heard it aloud when I was younger, but it moves me so much now! I think it is a testament to my growth in my relationship with God - almost like a benchmark. I've been drawn in closer to His love and I never want to leave it. 

Driving home from my housemates' family gathering, I was getting a little symbolic in my head and thought about the scenery in front of my eyes was like driving into the journey that lays ahead. 

There were clouds. There was sun. There was rain. There was wind. There was warmth. 
One could have not asked for more diverse weather conditions. 

"God's grace comes in all shapes, sizes and circumstances as God continues to unfold something magnificent in me.
I used to think I could shape the circumstances around me, but now I know Jesus uses circumstances to shape me." - Love Does

I'm ready for the creases. 
I'm ready for the turns and the folds God will allow to take place in my life.