Thursday, September 26, 2013

He Provides

Today was a pretty exhausting day
Rushing from meetings and bombarded with details about this week
I was drained of my strength


Just when I thought this day was a bust and I was going to give myself a pity party
I was able to get away after work for a bit to workout with a friend I have not seen in awhile
We met at Queen Anne track and had a great workout but more importantly a great conversation
You know that feeling when you leave from a visit with a friend and you are just encouraged and filled up? It is no wonder we are called to be in fellowship with believers

He provided the right time for my friend to meet me to workout
He provided the sunshine an crisp, fall air
He provided fellowship and great conversation
Our dreams He has placed on our hearts
He provided everything I needed today

For the first time in a long time I am at peace

About work
My life
Where God is taking me and molding me
I see it daily in the small things
For once I see Gods hand on my life
Everyday I wake up with expectation that He will show up
Take my hand to lead
Take my anxiety and stress away
Give me the strength when I feel weak
Give me wisdom when I am without words

And guess what?
He provides